Pastor John Soyster has graciously been offering us worship leadership one or two Sundays a month as we navigate this time of transition. 

You can learn more about Pastor John here



During the month of September, thousands of bicycle riders will take part in The Great Cycle Challenge to raise money for children’s cancer research. Pastor John Soyster will be riding for the second year. His motivation and inspiration for riding is his grandson, Jackson Soyster. He is asking his friends to consider doing one or more of four things:

1)  Pray for Jack, who is battling a brain tumor. 

2)  Send Jack a card of encouragement. 

3)  Sponsor Pastor John in the Great Cycle Challenge. 

4)  Join Team Jack. 

For details and information on how to sponsor or join Team Jack, go to Thank you! 


"No act of kindness, however small,

is ever wasted" — Aesop



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